Request for Comments

The Thunder Coalition aims at joining forces amongst publishers by sharing code and innovation power. Thus, Thunder’s feature set is going to grow and evolve to meet the various needs of many brands.

Currently, the Austrian publisher Telekurier Online Medien with its news site, Burda with its magazine, Google and the Certified Thunder Integrator galaniprojects from Berlin are working on a module for the live coverage of events. Together the publishers sketched a draft with some features for the module: Liveblogging module for Thunder

As we aim for Thunder to be the world’s best possible CMS, we are curious about your ideas on this matter: Which functionalities are essential? Which ones are unnecessary? What are you missing? Tell us your opinion. Just leave a comment in the document, comment on other comments and start a discussion.

If you want to become a partner in this project or contribute some code, you are more than welcome. Just write us at [email protected] and we will get you on board.